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Been wrapped up in lots of academic work recently and could not find much time to blog. But as per my previous post , I created a PowerPoint deck recently. As mentioned, this is a deck done for a short talk at the Startup Dynamo event held by Startup@Singapore. I had always known that Emiland‘s presentations were an amazing source of inspiration, so I thought I would combine the tips into a deck to share at the talk and on SlideShare.

eugene cheng powerpoint featured

Presentation Of The Day

Top Presentation Of The Day

Eugene cheng top presentation of the day slideshareA few days ago, I got an email from SlideShare saying that the “7 tips to Beautiful PowerPoint” presentation had gotten featured as Top Presentation Of The Day. Could not believe it for a second. It got featured after 2 days of getting uploaded, so I had sorta lost hope of it getting there. I am immensely humbled by the amount of encouragement and praise for this PowerPoint Deck. My good presentation design buddy, Illiya was one of the first few to gush over it and remind me of our friendly competition to get our PowerPoint decks nominated as Top Presentation Of The Day. I’ve only been on SlideShare for about 2 months ( Since the New Year of 2013 ), but it has proved to be an amazing platform for exposure, making great friends and learning from others. Truly hope to continue contributing and be astounded by the amazing quality of work by others.

Featured On the SlideShare Homepage

Eugene Cheng UHU Presentation featured slideshareBesides that, one of my less recent academic PowerPoint projects : Making It Stick : A UHU Marketing Proposal got featured on SlideShare. Just an added bonus to make the day a lot more awesome. I was always hoping that it would get some attention because I felt that this approach is a different yet rather effective one as compared to the one in the Presentation Jedi Deck. I do implore my course mates to check it out as the structure used to pitch a marketing campaign would be useful.





Coming Up

It’s close to my final examinations in my educational institution. After which, I will expect to have some free time to continue blogging about presentation design and create a few more self-initiated decks. Do let me know what you guys would like to see! Thank you for all the support so far from everyone, I sincerely hope that we’ll all benefit from this new culture.


-Eugene Cheng

About Eugene Cheng

Eugene Cheng is a self-taught Graphic Designer based in Singapore. He Co-Founded SlideComet to help rid the world of crappy slides.